Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Bermain Bersama...^^ (kotak lama)

Sometimes we cannot deny that in middle of our routine of lectures, we still need a refreshing ...A few weeks ago precisely March 16, 2010,
i am playing together with my friends (ana, astri, and hani) in KIDSFUN...enjoy children's games!!!

Awalnya sempet takut masuk karena dikirain bayarnya mahal,wkwkwkw
Ternyata gak mahal-mahal banget kok…25ribu gitu?? Lupa-lupa ingatlah…but not for all games…^^

Berlagak di negri dongeng..uhm...

Maen bom-bom car..wkwkwkwkw

I was really tired with this game ... pfiuuhh,, but its fun .. ^ ^

when I play this game, my boat isn't really good and finally do not move too much, it makes me drift in middle of the pond ...hikz...

Pada akhirnya kita kecapean sendiri...truz makan-makan snack sambil ngeliat anak-anak kecil bermain-main.heu FUN!

2 komentar:

  1. seharusnya kemarin kesana juga...
    orang sibuk kaya sangat membutuhkan refreshing juga...

  2. habisnya kan waktu itu blm kepikiran tmpt itu...^^
