Selasa, 27 Desember 2011
Resensi Buku: When China Rules the World
Judul Buku : When China Rules the World (Ketika China Menguasai Dunia), Kebangkitan Dunia Timur dan Akhir Dunia Barat
Pengarang : Martin Jacques
Penerbit : Buku Kompas
Tebal : 606 Halaman
Buku yang ditulis oleh Martin Jacques ini mengurai tentang peradaban Cina di mulai dari sejarah, ekonomi, militer—keamanan dan arsitektur kemegahan Cina sendiri. Buku ini pertama keluar semenjak tahun 2009, cetakkan pertama di Indonesia sudah sejak Juni, 2011 dan kini sudah hendak memasuki tahun 2012. Masih relevankah untuk di baca? Tentu saja. Pergerakan Cina saat ini telah mengalami masa yang lebih kompleks karena peranannya dalam menghadapi tekanan-tekanan baik dari internal maupun eksternal. Cina secara bersamaan besar tapi miskin, kuat tapi lemah. Dan di sana, sampai perubahan atmosfir ekonomi-politik terjadi, hal itu akan tetap sama, meskipun tingkat pertumbuhannya cukup dan prestasi ekonomi yang meningkat.
Martin Jacques juga mengakui bahwa masalah-masalah ekonomi itu ada bahkan saat Cina terengah-engah dengan ekstrapolasi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dalam hal ini Jacques berkontribusi dalam menunjukkan kekuatan ekonomi Cina melalui berbagai variabel. Pertama, dalam masa percobaan, Cina telah mengizinkan hak penduduk untuk memiliki tanah pribadi. Kedua, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) telah menuangkan dana ke Cina lebih dari $ 500 miliar. Ketiga, dibandingkan dengan Uni Soviet, Cina telah menghancurkan semua harapan kegagalan bagi masa depan negara bekas sosialisme-kapitalisme. Keempat, penurunan kemiskinan telah membantu mengurangi permasalahan krisis ekonomi bagi warga Cina. Mungkin faktor yang paling jelas adalah tenaga kerja mana yang mungkin mencapai 1 miliar pada 2020. Dengan demikian Cina tidak hanya memiliki ekonomi mengukuhkan sebagai sebuah kekuatan ekonomi, budaya yang unik dan masyarakat Cina yang akan membantu mempertahankan stabilitas politik dan ekonomi. Secara keseluruhan, masa depan Cina yang dominan mungkin muncul tak terelakkan. Cina sebagai negara adidaya ekonomi menyajikan implikasi monolitik dengan segudang konsekuensi. Meski tetap sulit bagi kita menerima pendapat bahwa terlalu muluk-muluk jika Cina nantinya akan memerintah dunia sebagaimana modernitas Barat yang didefinisikan—dalam demokrasi, nilai-nilai Pencerahan, kapitalisme dan kemajuan dengan masa lalu Cina yang sangat erat dengan sosialisme-komunisme.
Cina bukan negara bangsa (nation state), begitulah Martin menulis, melainkan suatu keadaan peradaban (civilization). Hal menarik untuk dikaji adalah bagaimana posisi Cina sebagai sebuah peradaban ini bisa lebih menguasai ketimbang sebagai negara. Misalnya saja dia menganggap bahwa sebetulnya sejak tahun 1800 perekonomian dunia bukan Eurosentris tetapi sudah Polisentris dimana Cina dan India sebagai perekonomian terbesar. Pernyataan ini menganggap bahwa bukan tidak mungkin jika masa itu akan datang kembali, dengan pertumbuhan Cina dan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya.
Secara historis, Cina telah menganggap dirinya sebagai berada di pusat dunia dan telah menerima pandangan-pandangan kelompok lain sebagai superioritas, sebuah rasisme yang tertanam dalam jiwa Cina, Jacques berpendapat provokatif. Kong Hu Chu akan menjadi kepercayaan kuat bagi masyarakat Cina untuk terus tumbuh, sebuah negara pusat yang kuat dan murah hati dalam memperbaiki kondisi rakyat. Dalam hal ini seolah-olah muncul pandangan bahwa Komunisme adalah ekspresi kontemporer Konfusianisme. Ini adalah bagian yang paling eyecatching dari Cina saat ini, seolah-olah mengajak untuk waspada akan datangnya nilai-nilai Asia yang secara tidak langsung memasuki kehidupan manusia di segala penjuru. Namun, kedekatan antara Konfusianisme dan Komunisme bukan merupakan wawasan baru tentu saja.
Bagaimana pun Inggris, Perancis, Jerman dan Amerika Serikat juga peradaban negara, didefinisikan sebagai budaya dan sejarah yang berbeda dalam batas yurisdiksi mereka melalui bahasa atau hukum misalnya. Semua dalam berbagai cara bahwa bentuk dari Pencerahan Eropa (Renaissance) ini bisa diakomodasi dengan melacak nilai-nilai inti untuk republik Roma dan para filsuf Yunani.
Buku ini pernah menjadi buku paling laris dan mengagetkan, karena sifat topik dan realitas kondisi geopolitik Cina yang juga semakin berpengaruh. Bagi mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional, buku ini sangat direkomendasikan baik yang secara langsung mengkaji kondisi politik Cina, Asia Pasifik atau pun secara tidak langsung mengkaji. Tidak salah jika sabda Rasullullah, “Tuntutlah ilmu sekalipun ke negeri Cina” merupakan cerminan jiwa yang visoner.
Selasa, 06 Desember 2011
Reflection: Clear, Forgive, and Accept
After those terrible accident.
Finally I found my courage to accept, move on, and most importantly heal. Things never get exactly easier, but things don’t have to be a constant struggle either. I just expected for so long for things to blow over on their own, with my luck they always do. To assume I didn’t need to accept responsibility for any of the mishaps.
Everything is coming to a closing this year, and as with such things- some things you take with you and the majority of it you leave behind. After all, life is based on experiences not perceptively how much you have in the here and now. I’ve just got to remind myself of that, how fortunate life truly has been for me. And it feels so perfect to know the majority of what I’ve wanted throughout life, I’ve had. I’m just far too hard on myself. ~thanks God ;)
*pictures from
Finally I found my courage to accept, move on, and most importantly heal. Things never get exactly easier, but things don’t have to be a constant struggle either. I just expected for so long for things to blow over on their own, with my luck they always do. To assume I didn’t need to accept responsibility for any of the mishaps.
Everything is coming to a closing this year, and as with such things- some things you take with you and the majority of it you leave behind. After all, life is based on experiences not perceptively how much you have in the here and now. I’ve just got to remind myself of that, how fortunate life truly has been for me. And it feels so perfect to know the majority of what I’ve wanted throughout life, I’ve had. I’m just far too hard on myself. ~thanks God ;)
*pictures from
Senin, 22 Agustus 2011
Kauman (Part 1)
Kampung Kauman memiliki kenangan kuat di masa kecilku. Beberapa ingatan itu tergambar begitu jelas. Lampu-lampu yang berjajar sepanjang jalan berbentuk bola selayaknya globe ditancapkan pada tiang besi yang dihiasi dengan pot dari batubata berwarna hijau dan kuning. Aku juga ingat penjual lotek dipinggir gang menuju rumahku atau penjual jamu yang membuka warung remang-remang setiap sore hingga malam dihalaman rumahnya, warung itu terletak antara pohon jambu. Itu dulu. Kampung Kauman dulu jauh berbeda dengan Kauman yang sekarang. Aku mengingat Kauman sebagai kampung halaman. Walaupun hanya selama delapan tahun aku tinggal disana.
Kenangan paling melekat adalah ketika dibangku Taman Kanak-kanak. Aku bersekolah di TK ABA Kauman. Kala itu, aku selalu berangkat kesekolah sendirian. Hanya pak becak di depan rumah yang membantu menyeberangkan aku di jalan raya Kauman. Setelah itu aku berjalan sendirian ke sekolah yang jaraknya hanya sekitar 200 meter dari rumah. Terkadang aku merasa iri dengan anak-anak TK yang lainnya karena setiap harinya diantar oleh Ibu ataupun pengasuh. Para pengantar itu selalu menunggu di balik pagar besi sekolah berwarna hijau. Mereka begitu sabar menanti putra-putrinya. Terkadang mereka bercerita dan bergosip ria sambil menunggu pukul 11.00 tiba. Ketika sekolah usai, bahkan sang anak merengek-rengek meminta jajan. Sementara aku hanya bisa menatap mereka. Sambil berimajinasi mainan apa yang aku inginkan jika aku menjadi mereka.
Pernah suatu hari, aku menangis merenung dikamar hanya karena ingin seperti anak-anak TK yang lainnya. Diantar ke sekolah dan belikan mainan sepulang sekolah oleh ibu. Namun ketika ditanya kenapa aku menangis? Aku enggan mengungkapkannya. Aku hanya berdalih menangis karena alasan lainnya. Aku menyadari semenjak kecil mengenai peran ibuku di masyarakat terutama di Kauman. Ibuku selalu sibuk dengan kegiatan organisasi. Ibuku mencintai hal-hal semacam itu dan selalu mendorongku untuk melakukan hal yang sama.
Aku tak memiliki banyak teman ketika di taman kanak-kanak. Aku bahkan tak menonjol sama sekali. Aku tak pernah pandai menggambar ataupun berhitung. Maksudku tidak menonjol yaitu, aku tak pernah terpilih menjadi anggota pengibar bendera, aku juga tak pernah terpilih menjadi pembaca pancasila ataupun janji pelajar Muhammadiyah ketika upacara bendera. Aku benar-benar murid yang biasa-biasa saja. Ketika pertunjukan karnival drumband posisiku hanya sebagai pembawa bendera hiasan. Bukan pemegang drum, pianika, ataupun gitapati. Apalagi mayonet, ah mimpi.
Pada saat hari kartini tiba, aku selalu menggunakan pakaian adat yang sama setiap tahunnya, walaupun hanya dua tahun. Yaitu pakaian adat Sulawesi Selatan atau baju bodo. Bahkan ketika hari kelulusan di TK, aku juga menggunakan pakaian yang sama. Ketika aku bertanya, mengapa foto-fotoku TK ketika Hari Kartini selalu menggunakan baju Bodo? Ibu hanya menjawab, “Baju bodo tidak ribet, simple”. Maksudnya tidak perlu dandan menor, kebaya, jarik, sanggul, ataupun kemben selayaknya bakaian adat Jawa. Aku pun menyadari, itulah sebabnya aku tak pandai berdandan seperti wanita-wanita Jawa, semenjak kecil memang aku tak dilatih untuk berlenggak-lenggok dan berdandan. Semuanya harus serba simple.
Memasuki bangku SD, aku bersekolah di SD Muhammadiyah Suronatan. Masih sekolah Muhammadiyah. Saat itu nasibku berangkat sekolah lebih baik. Kadang aku diantar pagi-pagi dengan motor bersama dengan kakakku yang bersekolah di SD Purwodiningratan Dua. Aku dan kakakku berbeda sekolah. Ini adalah prinsip kedua orang tuaku. Mereka memasukkan anak-anaknya disekolah yang berbeda-beda, agar memiliki karakter yang berbeda pula. Dan memang terbukti.
Di bulan Ramadhan, Kauman sangatlah istimewa. Ada tabungan, jaburan dan pasar tiban. Aku tak sereligius yang dibayangkan. Pergi sholat tarawih hanyalah sebatas rutinitas. Tapi aku menyadari, membiasakan anak untuk berangkat tarawih sejak kecil bisa menjadikan sebuah pelatihan bagi anak untuk menimbulkan religiusitas sejak dini, eh. Entahlah. :) Yang aku nanti sebetulnya hanyalah jaburan dan tabungan. Jaburan adalah semacam snack yang dibagi setelah sholat tarawih. Sedangkan tabungan yang aku maksud adalah setiap hari kita diharuskan menabung dan setelah satu bulan penuh tabungan itu dibagikan, jadi kira-kira ketika takbiran tiba aku akan memiliki uang yang cukup untuk membeli sesuatu yang aku inginkan. Karena alasan itulah aku berusaha mendapatkan uang lebih dari limaratus rupiah dari bapak atau ibu setiap harinya.
Alasan lainnya untuk pergi tarawih dibangku SD adalah meminta tanda tangan imam tarawih dan merangkum materi kultum setelah sholat isya’ dalam buku ‘Laporan Kegiatan Bulan Ramadhan’. Konon buku itu sakti, bisa menaikan nilai pelajaran agama atau nilai budi pekerti di raport sekolah. Ada-ada saja.
Cerita mengenai pasar tiban lain lagi. Aku tak pernah ingat aku umur berapa aku bisa berpuasa penuh. Yang jelas tidak ketika di Kauman. Seingatku selama disana, aku hanya menjalankan puasa bedug, yah semacam pelatihan puasa untuk usia dini. Cukup menahan lapar dari sahur hingga dzuhur, kemudian puasa kembali hingga magrib. Tapi bagiku kala itu sangatlah berat, karena jajanan yang ada di pasar tiban setiap sore selalu menggiurkan. Masih ada hingga sekarang jajanan favourite keluarga kami, yaitu bakmi kopyok mbah Tukir. Bakmi Kopyok itu sebenarnya mirip dengan tahu guling, tetapi yang menjadi ciri khas adalah bakmi atau mie telor. Saat ini pasar tiban banyak diisi penjaja makanan yang justru berasal dari luar Kauman. Sehingga kini sulit dikenali lagi para penjual makanan yang memang benar-benar asli dari Kauman.
Aku selalu merindukan suasana Ramadhan itu di Kauman, bahkan hingga aku beranjak dewasa. Terkadang aku juga mendatangi pasar tiban bukan untuk membeli makanan. Tetapi untuk bernostalgia menikmati suasana kampung Kauman. Meski kini aku telah menikmati 12 tahun hidup di Kotagede. Akan tetapi dimataku masih terlihat gadis kecil berambut keriting berjalan menyusuri gang-gang kampung kauman sambil mengenakan seragam TK berwarna kuning dan hijau. Isi kepalanya penuh dengan imajinasi dan mimpi-mimpi magis.
Surat Cinta 4: Layang-layang
Aku selalu merasa seperti layang-layang. Aku melayang bebas diterpa angin dan hujan. Aku tetap tegar. Sementara engkau adalah seorang anak laki-laki yang terus mengerakkan hatiku. Menikmati setiap keindahan gerak-gerikku. Suatu saat kau menarikku agar aku terus ada dalam pandanganmu, tetapi suatu saat kau membiarkan aku jauh diterpa angin, kau terus mengulur tali agar aku menjauh dan semakin jauh. Dalam interval tertentu kau menarik tali layang-layang itu dengan gesit. Menangkap hatiku. Membuatku terpana. Membiarkan perasaanku kalut.
Aku pun membiarkan dirimu memainkan tali itu. Karena aku begitu menikmatinya saat itu. Tapi tidakkah kau takut bahwa suatu saat tali itu akan putus. Sehingga layang-layang itu akan terbang jauh dari pandanganmu dan takkan pernah kembali lagi kepadamu?

Aku mengakui bahwa akulah yang memulai semua ini. Awalnya aku hanya jatuh cinta pada namamu. Aku membaca namamu seolah adalah harapan. Kemudian aku mulai mencari tahu tentang dirimu. Sungguh, kamu begitu menarik. Aku selalu berusaha meyakinkan hatiku bahwa ini adalah rahasia hatiku. Hanya aku saja yang mengamatimu setiap kali berjalan menuju labolatorium dibelakang kelasku. Hanya aku saja menikmati momentum itu berlalu. Tapi kerisauanku segera tercium oleh teman-temanku layaknya aroma terapi yang disulut.
Aku tak mengerti. Sejak semula aku mendeskripsikan dirimu sebagai obsesi hatiku. Semua itu ditunjukkan dengan gejala-gejala obsesi kronis yang aku alami. Aku selalu bahagia menerima pesan singkat darimu. Aku selalu bahagia menghabiskan waktu tengah malam suntuk untuk sekedar berbicara hal-hal yang tak penting denganmu. Selera humormu yang sederhana selalu menghidupkan malam-malamku. Sikapmu yang acuh tak acuh menumbuhkan rasa penasaranku tentang kehidupanmu. Cerita-cerita konyolmu selalu terdengar mengasyikkan ditelingaku. Itulah yang aku tak mengerti. Aku bahagia walaupun hanya menjadi sekedar layang-layang di matamu.
Jadilah aku pecandu dunia seluler. Aku hanya menanti sms darimu. Aku selalu ingin menjadi orang pertama yang mengucapkan selamat pagi dan orang terakhir yang mengucapkan selamat malam kepadamu melalui pesan singkat. Di hari ulang tahunmu yang ke tujuh belas, mungkin, akulah orang pertama yang mengucapnya selamat ulang tahun. Malam itu aku menantang mataku untuk tetap bertahan hingga detik-detik hari kelahiranmu. Hingga momentum itu tiba tepat pada waktunya. Hingga ucapanku benar-benar menjadi special.
Suatu waktu, kita memutuskan untuk bertemu. Tak hanya menghabis pembicaraan kita lewat telepon dan pesan singkat. Maka saat itulah kencan pertama dalam hidupku. Kencan? Mungkin kencan artifisial. Sebetulnya kami hanya membunuh waktu dengan berjalan bersama dan mengobrol. Membicarakan hal apapun tentang kehidupan masing-masing di sebuah cafe. Aku selalu kehabisan kata-kata dihadapanmu. Sementara kamu seolah-olah memiliki ratusan cerita yang menarik. Kamu memiliki pribadi yang menyenangkan. Mungkin karena aku selalu ingin menjadi sempurna dihadapanmu karena aku tahu kau begitu berharga.
Kala itu, aku menganggap bahwa kamu adalah alasan mengapa aku masih sendiri. Aku selalu menunggu. Aku selalu menghargai segala keputusanmu. Aku selalu berusaha paham. Aku selalu mencoba ‘mengangguk’ untuk semua pendapat yang kau utarakan. Meski segala keinginanmu itu terdengar begitu absurd ditelingaku. Tidakkah mungkin bagimu melupakan luka yang telah ditorehkan wanita lain dihatimu.
Aku selalu berusaha mengkalkulasi setiap kemungkinan yang muncul agar aku bisa menjadi kekasihmu. Mempertimbangkan setiap jejak kehidupanku agar aku bisa menjadi pasangan yang serasi bagimu. Selayaknya gadis-gadis lainnya aku mengalami fairytale syndrome tentangmu.
Hingga akhirnya aku terlambat menyadari bahwa aku bukan apa-apa. Hanya aku saja yang menganggap diriku ini layang-layang. Aku tahu, kamu tak pernah meminta apapun dariku. Ini hanya tentang aku dan layang-layang. Aku selalu menganggap kamu adalah matahari tapi ternyata kamu hanyalah pelangi, yang datang dalam sekejap untuk memperlihatkan keindahan bias warnamu. Kamu hanyalah kupu-kupu yang terbang dengan singkat di taman kehidupanku. Kamu adalah mimpi yang datang sejenak dalam tidur lelapku. Kau terlampau indah untuk terus ada dalam realitas hidupku.

Jika suatu hari kita kembali bertemu. Mungkin aku tak lagi menjadi layang-layang. Mungkin aku tak lagi mengenalmu sebaik aku mengenalmu dahulu. Mungkin aku hanya akan menjadi wanita biasa yang pernah kau temui di sebuah halte bus. Mungkin aku akan menjadi wanita yang lupa ingatan. Aku akan membiarkan semuanya tak terjawab meski begitu banyak pertanyaan yang tersekat dalam tenggorokanku. Aku akan membiarkan semua kenangan itu berlalu walau terus merajam dalam ingatanku.
Tetapi meski bukan aku, cobalah sedikit untuk membuka hati. Cobalah untuk kembali mencintai. Cobalah lebih jujur dan menantang kehidupan. Cobalah lebih berani. Cobalah kembali untuk mengenal wanita, karena mereka tak selalu sama.
Yogyakarta, Mei 2011
pictures by Andrew @CubaGallery
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
Kehidupan Multikultur di Kota Luton, Inggris
Pada Juni tahun 2010 lalu saya berkesempatan mengikuti program Global Xchange yakni pertukaran relawan muda Indonesia dan Inggris yang diadakan oleh British Council melalui kerjasama dengan VSO (Volunteer Service Overseas) dan Pusat Studi Keamanan dan Perdamaian (PSKP) UGM. Program inilah yang telah memberikan saya kesempatan untuk berbagi pengalaman dengan berkerja sebagai relawan. Pada program kali ini, kota Luton (Inggris) dan Yogyakarta (Indonesia) terpilih menjadi Host Community bagi Global Xchange 2010. Maka kesempatan yang telah diberikan oleh British Council ini tidak saya sia-siakan, setelah menyelesaikan fase pertama program di kota Yogyakarta. Pada akhir Juli saya berangkat ke Inggris untuk melanjutkan fase kedua di kota Luton. Disinilah pengalaman hidup saya merasakan bulan Ramadhan di Negara Ratu Elizabeth ini pun dimulai.
Saya tak pernah membayangkan sebelumnya bisa merasakan ibadah puasa di sebuah kota kecil di bagian selatan Inggris. Kota itu bernama Luton, lama perjalanan yang harus ditempuh dari kota London sekitar dua puluh menit menggunakan kereta api. Daya tarik dari kota Luton yaitu dikenal sebagai kota yang multikultur, karena masyarakat yang tinggal di kota ini tidak hanya terdiri orang-orang keturunan kulit putih yang memiliki keturunan Inggris saja melainkan banyak juga yang berasal dari Afrika-Karibia atau Asia seperti India, Pakistan dan Banglades. Prosentase penduduk Luton yang berkulit putih adalah 68% dan penduduk keturunan Asia atau Asia-Inggris (British Asia) mencapai 19,3% dari total keseluruhan masyarakat kota Luton yaitu 184.371 jiwa, sisanya berasal dari keturunan kulit hitam seperti Afrika Karibia, atau daerah Eropa lainnya dan Cina. Maka sekitar 14,6% masyarakat kota Luton yang beragama Islam dan menjalankan ibadah puasa dibulan Ramadhan ini
Kota Luton dahulu dikenal sebagai kota Industri sehingga banyak berdatangan para imigran dari Afrika dan Asia untuk menjadi tenaga kerja di beberapa pabrik di kota Luton ini. Akan tetapi kebanyakan dari mereka lebih merasa nyaman tinggal dan melanjutkan kehidupannya di Inggris ketimbang harus pulang ke negara asalnya. Berbeda dengan Dunstable, sebuah kota kecil disebelah timur kota Luton. Suasana dikota ini sudah berbeda, tidak lagi banyak ditemui masyarakat keturunan Afrika ataupun Asia layaknya di kota Luton. Sisa-sisa memori Luton sebagai kota Industri juga terlihat disudut-sudut kota Luton. Seperti the Hat Factory, sebuah bangunan bekas pabrik topi yang sekarang digunakan sebagai tempat diadakannya berbagai macam pertunjukan teater. Di ujung jalan Bute St. juga terdapat monumen mesin alat pembuat topi yang pernah digunakan oleh pabrik-pabrik topi, sebagai bentuk kenangan akan adanya pabrik topi di kota Luton. Selain sebagai pabrik topi, kota Luton juga terkenal dengan adanya perusahan mobil Vauxhall Motors.
Kawasan pusat kota adalah disekitaran St. George’s Square, sebuah lapangan ditengah kawasan pertokoan dan fasilitas publik. Disinilah tempat diadakannya acara-acara hiburan bagi masyarakat kota Luton. Salah satunya adalah Luton Summer Festival, konser musik baik internasional ataupun nasional, pertujukan tari, teater dan pertunjukan seni lainnya. Festival ini dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh masyarakat Luton bahkan mereka juga dapat ikut berpartisipasi mengisi acara di festival ini.
Tak jauh dari St. George’s Square, terlihat sebuah bangunan besar yang nampaknya belum selesai direnovasi. Bangunan itu adalah The Mall yang merupakan pusat belanja di kota Luton. The Mall sendiri menjadi pusat berbelanja dari berbagai kalangan. Tidak seperti mall yang biasanya hanya didatangi kalangan atas saja ataupun sebaliknya, di dalam mall ini terdapat pula Luton Market, semacam kumpulan para pedagang dengan pertokoan kecil yang menjual aneka macam barang mulai dari pakaian, sepatu, alat elektronik sampai makanan-makanan ringan. Di dalam The Mall juga terdapat toko-toko dengan merk ternama seperti Mark & Spencer dan Debenhams.
Bicara mengenai tempat favorit, Bury Park adalah tempat paling sering saya kunjungi untuk berbelanja, berkuliner ria dan menghabiskan waktu selain The Mall. Tempat ini merupakan kawasan perbelajaan yang mayoritas tokonya dimiliki oleh orang-orang Asia. Cukup berjalan sepuluh menit saja dari St. George’s Square kearah timur maka akan segera sampai di Bury Park. Deretan pertokoan di Bury Park menyajikan berbagai macam bahan makanan segar seperti buah-buahan, sayuran, bahan makanan dari Asia. Di tempat ini juga biasanya orang-orang muslim mencari daging halal. Selain itu terdapat pula toko-toko pakaian Asia, selain menjual pakaian-pakaian tradisional mereka juga menjual berbagai macam pernak-pernik gelang atau kalung.
Di sepanjang kawasan Bury Park ini banyak restoran-restoran yang menjajakan makanan-makanan Asia seperti kebab, kari, ataupun nasi. Restoran-restoran di Bury Park ini juga mencantukan tulisan ‘halal’ sehingga bagi muslim seperti saya tidak ragu lagi untuk menikmati makanan-makanan di tempat ini meskipun makanan-makanan Asia harganya sedikit lebih mahal daripada makanan Inggris pada umumnya yaitu sandwich, burger atau ayam dengan kentang goreng. Misalnya, harga yang dibayar untuk satu porsi kebab sekitar 3 hingga 5 pounds tapi bagi saya itu cukup memuaskan karena porsi yang cukup besar and its very Asian food taste! Sangat cocok bagi pendatang seperti saya yang merindukan masakan tanah air.
Di Bury Park inilah ciri khas masyarakat Multikultural begitu terasa, kita bisa dengan mudah menemui orang-orang dari berbagai kalangan berkumpul bersama seperti orang-orang Afrika, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Cina atau pun orang-orang Inggris sendiri. Misalnya, disudut jalan Bury Park juga terdapat sebuah gereja yang tak kurang dari 100 meter terdapat pula sebuah Masjid. Mereka hidup dengan rukun dan harmoni satu sama lainnya. Bahkan kampanye ‘Luton in Harmony’ sering disuarakan oleh pemerintah kota Luton sebagai bentuk komitmen masyarakat Luton untuk tetap menjaga keharmonisan antar suku dan agama.
Selama lima minggu menetap di Luton, saya tinggal bersama Host Home, mereka adalah keluarga Muslim keturunan Pakistan. Maka tidak terlalu sulit bagi saya untuk bangun menyiapkan sahur pada dini hari, karena kami dapat menyiapkan makanan untuk sahur bersama. Tinggal bersama mereka juga memberikan saya pengalaman baru mengenal budaya Pakistan meskipun tidak secara langsung di Negara Pakistan.
Perbedaan dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa di Inggris adalah rentang waktu puasa yang jauh lebih lama daripada saat berada di Indonesia. Saya harus menahan rasa lapar kurang lebih 18 jam, berbeda dengan di Indonesia yang hanya 14 jam. Itu karena matahari baru mulai tenggelam atau mencapai waktu Magrib sekitar pukul 20.00. Awalnya mungkin terasa berat namun kondisi cuaca musim panas di Inggris yang masih tetap terasa dingin bagi saya, suhunya berkisar antara 12 sampai dengan 18 derajat celcius ternyata tidak membuat saya merasa terlalu kehausan dan kelaparan. Ketika pertama kali datang ke kota Luton sebelum bulan Ramadhan dimulai, kami merasakan hal yang cukup unik yakni kami harus menikmati makan malam sementara langit masih sangat terang. Ini diluar kebiasaan orang-orang Indonesia yang waktu makan malam adalah ketika langit mulai gelap.
Sayangnya masjid yang ada di Luton tidak menyelenggarakan sholat jama’ah (sholat bersama) baik sholat wajib ataupun tarawih bagi perempuan, satu-satunya yang mengizinkan perempuan mengikuti sholat tarawih bersama hanyalah di Islamic Centre, yang letaknya masih dikawasan Bury Park. Maka disinilah saya bisa mengikuti sholat tarawih bersama-sama. Sholat tarawih untuk perempuan dilaksanakan di lantai dua, sedangkan laki-laki dilantai dasar. Para perempuan ketika menunaikan ibadah tarawih tidak menggunakan mukena layaknya di Indonesia, mereka menggunakan baju seperti gamis longar dipadu dengan kerudung lebar.
Menjalani ibadah di Negara yang mayoritas bukan beragama Islam memang terasa berbeda, tetapi justru semakin menguatkan keteguhan hati saya sebagai muslimah. Di Kota ini keindahan perbedaan begitu terasa karena rasa toleransi dan saling menghargai yang tinggi. Begitu pula ketika saya menjalani salah satu kegiatan yaitu Global Citizenship Day (GCD) yang kebetulan terletak di aula Gereja Katolik di High Town, Luton. Pada saat itu tiba waktu dzuhur, maka saya meminta mereka untuk menghentikan kegiatan. Mereka pun mengerti, bahkan menyediakan tempat untuk sholat berjama’ah. Lucunya, saya bersama teman-teman muslim lainnya terpaksa melaksanakan sholat jama’ah di aula gereja tersebut. Mereka yang beragama non-muslim pun tidak tersinggung dan menghargai keyakinan saya. Fenomena itu memberikan pelajaran begitu berharga, ketika kita harus saling membantu dan bertoleransi terhadap keyakinan sesama manusia. However, this journey that enriches me lots of experiences and it matter most, rather than its destination.
Tulisan ini saya upload kembali setelah sebetulnya dimuat di Majalah Suara Aisyiyah bulan September, 2010. Sekaligus untuk menunjukkan rasa keprihatinan saya terhadap London's Riot.
Saya tak pernah membayangkan sebelumnya bisa merasakan ibadah puasa di sebuah kota kecil di bagian selatan Inggris. Kota itu bernama Luton, lama perjalanan yang harus ditempuh dari kota London sekitar dua puluh menit menggunakan kereta api. Daya tarik dari kota Luton yaitu dikenal sebagai kota yang multikultur, karena masyarakat yang tinggal di kota ini tidak hanya terdiri orang-orang keturunan kulit putih yang memiliki keturunan Inggris saja melainkan banyak juga yang berasal dari Afrika-Karibia atau Asia seperti India, Pakistan dan Banglades. Prosentase penduduk Luton yang berkulit putih adalah 68% dan penduduk keturunan Asia atau Asia-Inggris (British Asia) mencapai 19,3% dari total keseluruhan masyarakat kota Luton yaitu 184.371 jiwa, sisanya berasal dari keturunan kulit hitam seperti Afrika Karibia, atau daerah Eropa lainnya dan Cina. Maka sekitar 14,6% masyarakat kota Luton yang beragama Islam dan menjalankan ibadah puasa dibulan Ramadhan ini

Kota Luton dahulu dikenal sebagai kota Industri sehingga banyak berdatangan para imigran dari Afrika dan Asia untuk menjadi tenaga kerja di beberapa pabrik di kota Luton ini. Akan tetapi kebanyakan dari mereka lebih merasa nyaman tinggal dan melanjutkan kehidupannya di Inggris ketimbang harus pulang ke negara asalnya. Berbeda dengan Dunstable, sebuah kota kecil disebelah timur kota Luton. Suasana dikota ini sudah berbeda, tidak lagi banyak ditemui masyarakat keturunan Afrika ataupun Asia layaknya di kota Luton. Sisa-sisa memori Luton sebagai kota Industri juga terlihat disudut-sudut kota Luton. Seperti the Hat Factory, sebuah bangunan bekas pabrik topi yang sekarang digunakan sebagai tempat diadakannya berbagai macam pertunjukan teater. Di ujung jalan Bute St. juga terdapat monumen mesin alat pembuat topi yang pernah digunakan oleh pabrik-pabrik topi, sebagai bentuk kenangan akan adanya pabrik topi di kota Luton. Selain sebagai pabrik topi, kota Luton juga terkenal dengan adanya perusahan mobil Vauxhall Motors.
Kawasan pusat kota adalah disekitaran St. George’s Square, sebuah lapangan ditengah kawasan pertokoan dan fasilitas publik. Disinilah tempat diadakannya acara-acara hiburan bagi masyarakat kota Luton. Salah satunya adalah Luton Summer Festival, konser musik baik internasional ataupun nasional, pertujukan tari, teater dan pertunjukan seni lainnya. Festival ini dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh masyarakat Luton bahkan mereka juga dapat ikut berpartisipasi mengisi acara di festival ini.
Tak jauh dari St. George’s Square, terlihat sebuah bangunan besar yang nampaknya belum selesai direnovasi. Bangunan itu adalah The Mall yang merupakan pusat belanja di kota Luton. The Mall sendiri menjadi pusat berbelanja dari berbagai kalangan. Tidak seperti mall yang biasanya hanya didatangi kalangan atas saja ataupun sebaliknya, di dalam mall ini terdapat pula Luton Market, semacam kumpulan para pedagang dengan pertokoan kecil yang menjual aneka macam barang mulai dari pakaian, sepatu, alat elektronik sampai makanan-makanan ringan. Di dalam The Mall juga terdapat toko-toko dengan merk ternama seperti Mark & Spencer dan Debenhams.
Bicara mengenai tempat favorit, Bury Park adalah tempat paling sering saya kunjungi untuk berbelanja, berkuliner ria dan menghabiskan waktu selain The Mall. Tempat ini merupakan kawasan perbelajaan yang mayoritas tokonya dimiliki oleh orang-orang Asia. Cukup berjalan sepuluh menit saja dari St. George’s Square kearah timur maka akan segera sampai di Bury Park. Deretan pertokoan di Bury Park menyajikan berbagai macam bahan makanan segar seperti buah-buahan, sayuran, bahan makanan dari Asia. Di tempat ini juga biasanya orang-orang muslim mencari daging halal. Selain itu terdapat pula toko-toko pakaian Asia, selain menjual pakaian-pakaian tradisional mereka juga menjual berbagai macam pernak-pernik gelang atau kalung.

Di sepanjang kawasan Bury Park ini banyak restoran-restoran yang menjajakan makanan-makanan Asia seperti kebab, kari, ataupun nasi. Restoran-restoran di Bury Park ini juga mencantukan tulisan ‘halal’ sehingga bagi muslim seperti saya tidak ragu lagi untuk menikmati makanan-makanan di tempat ini meskipun makanan-makanan Asia harganya sedikit lebih mahal daripada makanan Inggris pada umumnya yaitu sandwich, burger atau ayam dengan kentang goreng. Misalnya, harga yang dibayar untuk satu porsi kebab sekitar 3 hingga 5 pounds tapi bagi saya itu cukup memuaskan karena porsi yang cukup besar and its very Asian food taste! Sangat cocok bagi pendatang seperti saya yang merindukan masakan tanah air.
Di Bury Park inilah ciri khas masyarakat Multikultural begitu terasa, kita bisa dengan mudah menemui orang-orang dari berbagai kalangan berkumpul bersama seperti orang-orang Afrika, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Cina atau pun orang-orang Inggris sendiri. Misalnya, disudut jalan Bury Park juga terdapat sebuah gereja yang tak kurang dari 100 meter terdapat pula sebuah Masjid. Mereka hidup dengan rukun dan harmoni satu sama lainnya. Bahkan kampanye ‘Luton in Harmony’ sering disuarakan oleh pemerintah kota Luton sebagai bentuk komitmen masyarakat Luton untuk tetap menjaga keharmonisan antar suku dan agama.
Selama lima minggu menetap di Luton, saya tinggal bersama Host Home, mereka adalah keluarga Muslim keturunan Pakistan. Maka tidak terlalu sulit bagi saya untuk bangun menyiapkan sahur pada dini hari, karena kami dapat menyiapkan makanan untuk sahur bersama. Tinggal bersama mereka juga memberikan saya pengalaman baru mengenal budaya Pakistan meskipun tidak secara langsung di Negara Pakistan.
Perbedaan dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa di Inggris adalah rentang waktu puasa yang jauh lebih lama daripada saat berada di Indonesia. Saya harus menahan rasa lapar kurang lebih 18 jam, berbeda dengan di Indonesia yang hanya 14 jam. Itu karena matahari baru mulai tenggelam atau mencapai waktu Magrib sekitar pukul 20.00. Awalnya mungkin terasa berat namun kondisi cuaca musim panas di Inggris yang masih tetap terasa dingin bagi saya, suhunya berkisar antara 12 sampai dengan 18 derajat celcius ternyata tidak membuat saya merasa terlalu kehausan dan kelaparan. Ketika pertama kali datang ke kota Luton sebelum bulan Ramadhan dimulai, kami merasakan hal yang cukup unik yakni kami harus menikmati makan malam sementara langit masih sangat terang. Ini diluar kebiasaan orang-orang Indonesia yang waktu makan malam adalah ketika langit mulai gelap.

Sayangnya masjid yang ada di Luton tidak menyelenggarakan sholat jama’ah (sholat bersama) baik sholat wajib ataupun tarawih bagi perempuan, satu-satunya yang mengizinkan perempuan mengikuti sholat tarawih bersama hanyalah di Islamic Centre, yang letaknya masih dikawasan Bury Park. Maka disinilah saya bisa mengikuti sholat tarawih bersama-sama. Sholat tarawih untuk perempuan dilaksanakan di lantai dua, sedangkan laki-laki dilantai dasar. Para perempuan ketika menunaikan ibadah tarawih tidak menggunakan mukena layaknya di Indonesia, mereka menggunakan baju seperti gamis longar dipadu dengan kerudung lebar.
Menjalani ibadah di Negara yang mayoritas bukan beragama Islam memang terasa berbeda, tetapi justru semakin menguatkan keteguhan hati saya sebagai muslimah. Di Kota ini keindahan perbedaan begitu terasa karena rasa toleransi dan saling menghargai yang tinggi. Begitu pula ketika saya menjalani salah satu kegiatan yaitu Global Citizenship Day (GCD) yang kebetulan terletak di aula Gereja Katolik di High Town, Luton. Pada saat itu tiba waktu dzuhur, maka saya meminta mereka untuk menghentikan kegiatan. Mereka pun mengerti, bahkan menyediakan tempat untuk sholat berjama’ah. Lucunya, saya bersama teman-teman muslim lainnya terpaksa melaksanakan sholat jama’ah di aula gereja tersebut. Mereka yang beragama non-muslim pun tidak tersinggung dan menghargai keyakinan saya. Fenomena itu memberikan pelajaran begitu berharga, ketika kita harus saling membantu dan bertoleransi terhadap keyakinan sesama manusia. However, this journey that enriches me lots of experiences and it matter most, rather than its destination.
Tulisan ini saya upload kembali setelah sebetulnya dimuat di Majalah Suara Aisyiyah bulan September, 2010. Sekaligus untuk menunjukkan rasa keprihatinan saya terhadap London's Riot.
Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

I don’t just regret wasting my life up until itself in its entirety. I also regret a lot of things involving him. I regret possibly being the reason that things fell apart. I always think back and wonder if I had done this, or if I hadn’t done that, would things be different. Would they be better. Would none of this had happened and would I not be as completely shattered as I am now.
I wonder about small things, like had we gone to see that movie that I wanted to see, would it have made you think something to help? Would it have made us talk? Would things be different had I tried to have that conversation in the first place? If I had asked you if you were really, genuinely, the day I had to leave, would it have been more bearable? Had I gone back when I saw you weren’t there anymore, could I have helped you feel better before leaving? Were there words that you expected me to say that I never did :/
The truth is, You don’t really understand that, you probably think you do, but you don’t. Every single day I go through the process of blame and regret over that week. There is no thought or reasoning that ever makes it hurt less, it’s the same every day. I just think ‘what if’ and it breaks my heart every single time.
You might read this at some point. To you, I just wanted to say I’m sorry that things turned out as miserably as they did. I wished for anything better. I will always carry this regret with me, you know that. I don’t regret going and finding you though. That first hug was amazing… I do like you, I hope you know that.
Yogyakarta, August 2011
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Cerpen: Café
“Hari ini kenapa terlambat?” tanya kak Nanda
“Maaf kak, tadi kecelakaan kecil, uhm.. jatuh dari sepeda” jawabku dengan lirih.
Tiba-tiba wajahnya berubah menjadi muram, “Kamu terluka?”
“Sedikit, lecet-lecet di tumit” jawabku sambil tersenyum kecut.
“Lain kali hati-hati”
Aku hanya mengangguk.
“Jatuh itu sakit apalagi jatuh cinta”
Aku tertawa mendengar dia berkata seperti itu dan seketika luka di tumit itu menjadi tidak perih lagi.
“Kok bisa sakit? Bukannya justru bahagia?
“Kata siapa bahagia?”
“Kata orang-orang” jawabku sekenanya.
“Mungkin bahagia tapi sesaat saja”
“Wah...wah...kakak tahu betul soal jatuh cinta?”
“Entahlah” jawabnya sambil meringis dan berlalu.
Hanya itu saja percakapanku dengannya sore ini. Aku berkerja partime sebagai waitress dengan kak Nanda di sebuah cafe dekat kampus. Aku berkerja mulai pukul empat sore sampai pukul sembilan malam. Memang cukup melelahkan tapi demi uang mau bagaimana lagi. Setiap harinya di cafe ini selalu ada berbagai macam kisah anak muda, mulai dari yang menyendiri bermain laptop hingga yang asyik berpacaran. Awalnya aku melakukan pekerjaan ini karena terpaksa. Dorongan ekonomi. Tapi setelah bertemu dengan Kak Nanda. Aku menyukai café ini bahkan lebih dari Mall atau tempat apapun. Aku tak pernah lelah mengamati kak Nanda. Bagimana aku harus melukiskan kak Nanda? Dia memiliki tatapan yang tajam, hidung mancung, bibir tipis, wajahnya berbentuk oval, kurus walaupun tak benar-benar kurus kerempeng dan kulit berwarna sawo matang. Tingginya mungkin sekitar 175 cm. Aku tak yakin dia keturunan Jawa tulen. Tapi dia paham betul tingkah laku perempuan jawa. Dia berulang kali bercerita mengidam-idamkan gadis jawa. Dan itu membuat hatiku berdebar-debar setiap kali mendengarnya. Ah...
Aku melihat kak Nanda yang hanya terdiam. Sesekali mengecek HP-nya meski tidak ada nada ataupun getaran. Aku tahu dia gelisah, tapi aku tak pernah tahu apa penyebabnya. Dilanjutkannya kembali mengelap meja dan membereskan gelas-gelas kemudian membawanya ke dapur. Entah mengapa aku begitu ingin memperhatikan setiap gerak-geriknya. Kak Nanda memiliki kepribadian yang menyenangkan. Ramah kepada teman dan pelanggan. Sesekali juga humoris. Supel. Lelaki yang sangat hangat. Aku menduga Kak Nanda sedang ada masalah yang cukup serius, karena tak biasanya kak Nanda merenung dan terdiam seperti itu. Aku mungkin terlalu peduli dengannya, tapi bagiku sikap kak Nanda kali ini begitu berbeda.
Bukan hanya itu saja yang membuatku heran. Kebetulan hari ini kami kedatangan pelanggaan yang cukup menyebalkan. Gerombolan anak-anak SMA yang saling bercanda bahkan sampai menggangu pelangan yang lain. Kak Nanda dengan emosional menegur mereka dengan nada suara ynag cukup tinggi. Bukan hanya aku bahkan pelayan yang lain pun kaget dengan sikap Kak Nanda yang tak biasa.
Keesokan harinya aku tak melihat kak Nanda berkerja. Aku pikir hanya hari tu saja aku tak menemuinya. Kira-kira lebih dua minggu kak Nanda tak bekerja. Tak ada yang tahu penyebabnya, hanya manajer cafe saja yang konon mengetahuinya. Alasan yang aku dengar juga simpang siur. Ada yang mengatakan ketidakmunculan kak Nanda disebabkan oleh peristiwa gerombolan anak SMA tempo lalu. Namun ada yang mengatakan ada masalah keluarga dan lain sebagainya. Aku begitu menyayangkan absensi kak Nanda di tempat kerja.
Cahaya café yang temaram. Suasana ini membawaku kepada lautan memori. Aku ingat ketika kak Nanda berjalan diantara kursi-kursi café, kemudian duduk diantara kursi-kursi pelanggan memandang ke arah jendela menanti pukul empat sore. Dia selalu datang dua jam lebih awal, untuk memastikan café bersih dan nyaman bagi pelanggan. Terkadang aku pun juga sengaja untuk datang lebih awal, dan menghabiskan menit-menit berdua dengan kak Nanda sampai pelayan yang lainnya berdatangan. Ketika aku mendengar kak Nanda terpaksa kembali karena ibunya wafat. Aku tak bisa berprasangka apapun. Aku hanya menyadari bahwa aku tak mengerti apapun tentang kak Nanda.
Kini kulihat diruangan ini, cahaya temaram yang menambah suasana semakin dingin dan suram, meskipun biasanya cahaya café ini sengaja untuk dibuat temaram tapi entah mengapa kali aku merasa tempat ini begitu kelam. Konsep café ini sebetulnya dibuat romantis dengan gaya minimalis. Tak heran jika café kecil ini sering dijadikan tempat berkencan bagi para remaja.
Kali ini aku datang ketempat ini bukan lagi sebagai seorang waitress, melainkan sebagai pelanggan biasa. Usahaku kecil-kecilan berbisnis pernak-pernik souvenir berjalan lancar. Aku pun memutuskan untuk berhenti menjadi waitress yang menurutku cukup melelahkan. Walaupun alasanku sebenarnya, aku tak lagi merasa nyaman ketika Kak Nanda telah meninggalkan café ini.
Aku terdiam menatap para pelayan cafĂ©, tak satu pun dari mereka aku kenal. Mungkin memang sudah lama sejak aku bekerja. Masa yang cukup lama. Waktu berjalan tanpa kita sadari Tetapi kenangan itu masih tetap ada. aku sengaja duduk membelakangi pintu dan lampu utama. Aku hanya menghindari lalu lalang orang masuk. Aku menghindari keramaian. Dalam keremangan itu, aku melihat bayangan tubuh lelaki mendatangiku. Bayangan itu begitu familiar. Mengenakan seragam waitress dan membawa nampan berisi cangkir-cangkir. Aku membiarkan waitress itu meletakan minuman yang telah aku pesan. Cappuccino. Aku pun tak menoleh hanya untuk sekedar menegok wajahnya. Bukan dengan maksdu apapun. Sampai sang pelayan itu meletakkan tangannya di pundakku dan memanggil namaku dengan suara yang begitu khas, “Diandra”.
Seketika kutatap wajahnya. Aku tersenyum. Ada kelegaan yang muncul dalam dada seperti hendak membuncah. Aku tak pernah tahu aku akan menemuinya kembali di café ini. Aku hanya berfirasat mungkin saja dia akan kembali ke café kecil ini.
Yogyakarta, Mei 2011
Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
First sunrise in Ramadhan
Senin, 01 Agustus 2011
Senin, 20 Juni 2011
List of Korean Romantic Movies
I really like romantic-drama movies especially how Korean made it, most of those movies make me cried a lots and very touching. They are rich with fresh ideas of love story. Since i really like watch this genre some of my friends ask me to gives recommend about Korean movies. Because of that, i try to writing some title of movies. Top ten of this list is the most favorite movies for me but maybe not all of them you might be like it. Well, different people have different perspective about what they seen. So, enjoy ;)
1) A Moment to Remember (2005)

The first time i watch this movie when i am in senior high school. This movie give a deeply impression toward Korean movies from the very first time. The story about a couple striving to keep up their relationship against the struggle on the wife’s Alzheimer’s disease. the wife discovering her slow loss of memory increasing due to Alzheimer’s disease that she finally forgets everyone and everything. A love story of a devoted husband who stayed with her wife even when she was slowly forgetting that he happened in her life. Poignant, deeply moving, and I cried buckets of tears especially in scene of their family wants give back her memory in mini-market, but she does not sure who they are. I really captivating on that scene. ;)
2) My Sassy Girl (2001)

The movie, ‘My Sassy Girl’ is one of the most popular Korean movie which has also been made into an Hollywood movie (with same title). This movie also has a Bollywood version known as ‘Ugly Aur Pagli.’ It is probably a romantic comedy with some happy and sad moments flashing in the movie between. This movie’s soundtrack in Korean, ‘I Believe’ is a beautiful one which is quite popular. It is based on the true story told in a series of love letters written by Kim Ho-sik, a man who initially posted them on the Internet and later adapted them into a novel.
If you haven’t watch this, then you haven’t watch a really good romance movie. Needless to say, this is one of my favorite movies. Captivating, vibrant and worth watching. A perfect date movie. A girl who has some past love issues was saved by a cheerful young man when she almost get caught by a train. Fate played with them and the boy slowly became fond of her and decided that he would heal whatever that pain she has.
3) Il Mare (2000)

Sung-hyun, who just moved into ' Il mare ' receives a strange letter. The letter is from a young woman in the year 1999, two years from the present. Her predictions about the past are amazingly accurate. Her warning about a flurry of snow on a certain day in January of 1998 and the ensuing flu virus turns out to be true.
Eun-Joo is convinced that her letter has traveled back in time to December of 1997 and starts writing regularly to her newfound pen pal. A professional voice actor, Eun-joo asks Sung-Hyun to find her long lost cassette recorder at a train station. Sung-Hyun goes to the train station and gets a glimpse of Eun-Joo, who of course, has no idea who he is.
After he receives his father's last book from the future Sung-hyun belatedly realizes his father's love for him. He confesses his selfishness at his father's grave. Eun-Joo's old flame returns from the United States. But he's found himself a new love and is planning to marry her. Heartbroken, her only hope is that Sung-Hyun will stop her from letting Ji-hoon go in the first place. Faced with the prospect of losing Eun-joo whom he's grown to love, Sung-Hyun decides to make the ultimate sacrifice by stopping her from sending her boyfriend away.
Eun-Joo visits Sung-Hyun's school and is shocked to find out he died two years ago in a car crash. She realizes too late that she is in love with him too. He died on his way to stop Eun-Joo from letting her boyfriend leave to the U.S. Eun-Joo races against time to Il mare to warn Sung-Hyun.
Hollywood made a remake of this movie (The Lake house) even i watch Hollywood version first but still I prefer how Koreans did it. A man and a woman engaged in a romance as they exchange love letters and leaving it inside a mail box. Time element executed perfectly. Addictive love story. Deeply touching and moving.
4) Closer To Heaven (2009)

"Closer to Heaven" tells the love story between Jong-Woo (Kim Myung-Min) and Ji-Soo (Ha Ji-Won). Although Jong-Woo suffers from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease), he is still a bright and cheerful person. Ji-Soo works as a co-ordinator in a funeral home. She deals with death everyday and doesn't think twice about Jong-woo's disease. The couple then falls in love.
5) Daisy (2006)

This movies set in Netherlands, Ji Hyun played the role of a street painter that will become the love interest of a secret service agent and a professional hitman… Thrilling, lingering, and romantic elements were put in splendidly…the Amazing things about this movies is the perfect visual effect.
6) The Classic (2003)

A lovely love story. The film is about the love story of two generations between the mother and daughter. A young woman accidentally bumped on her mother’s love story and she got deeply engaged with it. The parallelism was well portrayed and so much love in the air. I really liked the ending of this movie. Very nice, enthralling, amazingly unsurpassed romance. I can’t find words to dislike this movie. So just watch it. ;)
7) Daddy Long Legs (2005)

Ha Ji Won played a role of radio scriptwriter who was always dreaming of meeting the guy who helped her pay her tuition in college. She accidentally bumped into emails that tells about a girl’s long time admiration over a guy. She finally had a chance to meet her daddy-long-legs and there she learned that it was his younger brother who asked him to do all the things for her. She also learned that it was her daddy-long -legs who wrote those emails, however he switched his gender when he was writing the emails. Daddy-long-legs lost all his memories including that of the girl’s because he was dying and he asked his brother to make the girl happy once he lost his memory. You’ll never get tired of watching it. Amazingly sweet and mesmerizing.
8) Millioner’s First Love (2006)

A guy (Hyun Bin) was a millionaire’s heir but in order for him to have his fortune, his dead granny forced him to finish High School in the province. There he discovered the past that he erased in his mind, and the truth that money can’t save the life of the girl he loves. Passionate and bewitching.
9) Sad Movie (2005)

As the title of movie, it is a Sad Movie rather than romantic movie. This movie focuses of four different relationship and the sadness, sorrows, pain and tears of each relationship. It is about a relationship of two lovers, two fiancés, a mother and a son and two unknown strangers who all are inter connected to each other. Well, at the end, all of their relationship has a sad ending. The plot lines eventually connect in some way, but they remain unrelated for the most part.
The first story tells of a firefighter and his girlfriend named Su-jeong who works in a TV station as a news translator for the mute. She's waiting for him to propose, focused on the rationale that given his dangerous job, she likes the idea of him having to think of her, to hesitate for a while before jumping into danger. He, on the other hand, is waiting for that perfect opportunity, setting and all, before popping the question.
The second story is about a deaf girl who works as a costume character in a theme park. There she meets a young artist who she begins to develop feelings for quickly; yet refuses to take off her mask in front of him for quite some time. There is scene when it was adapted into music video of “Seoul” tourism promotion by Super junior and SNSD.
The third story is of a mother and child. The mother was too busy to spend time with her young son, until an illness confines her to a hospital bed. There the mother and son begin to communicate more and more.
Lastly, the story of a boy and girl who have just broken up. The girl's reason being that she needs a more stable guy with a good job. The unemployed ex-boyfriend goes off and finds himself a job helping other couples break up. Hoping that if he earns enough money, he could woo his loved one back.
10) Heartbreak Library (2008)

I feel like this movie made special for me ;) That was because my favorite place is library but i recognize that this movies have fresh ideas about love story. Not really a romance movie for the lead actors. More of feeling the pain of someone who lost his love. A different kind of love story you should not fail to check out. Strikingly fresh and very charming. You wonder why sweet girls fall for bad guys. Well because the harder their front act is, the sweeter they can love.
11) Heaven’s Postman (2009)

A messenger that has the ability to travel between the present and the afterworld. Shin Jae Joon was involved in an accident that put him in a coma. Now, his spirit has the ability to travel back and forth to the afterworld and the real world. He meets Jo Ha Na as she is trying to send her boyfriend a letter. Ha Na, however, is the only person who can see Jae Joon.
Jae-jun (K-pop band TVXQ member Hero) delivers letters to heaven from those who can't get over the loss of their loved ones.One day Ha-na (Han Hyo-joo), who writes to her late boyfriend, discovers Jae-jun's secret identity. He offers her a part-time job assisting him, and they set off on a 14-day journey .
12) Madeleine (2003)

Ji-suk is a Korean Language & Literature major who dreams of becoming a writer. He starts delivering newspapers part-time. He goes to a hair salon to cut his long hair. A charming woman calls him by name. She is none other than Hee-jin, his junior high classmate. Dreaming of becoming a hair designer, Hee-jin is a senior hair designer at the salon despite her young age. Ji-suk is drawn to the dignified beauty. Hee-jin is also drawn to the untainted pureness of Ji-suk. Their paths cross by chance a few more times and the two grow closer. Finally, Hee-jin suggests a 'one month romance.' "Neither one of us can say 'Let's break up' before the month is up! After a month, we part ways grandly! What do you think? Fun, huh?" Ji-suk is caught off guard. Seeing this, Hee-jin smiles at him sweetly.
Ji-suk who ponders over everything seriously. Hee-jin who is filled with playfulness and is cheerful. They have 0% in common but together, they learn of a new world unfamiliar to them. Their romance is more splendid than they expected. But one day, Ji-suk's first love, Sung-hae, shows up. Majoring in film, Sung-hae is the lead singer of a band and very cool. Hee-jin gets jealous over Sung-hae and starts to fight with Ji-suk. It is the first time they argue since their month of romance began. And to make things worse, Hee-jin is faced with an enormous decision.
This movie is very realistic, strangely touching. The couple played their character so well. My favorite Shin Min Ah’s project. Emotion filled and absorbing.
13) Lover's Concerto

One day, Ji-hwan (Cha Tae-Hyun) begins to receive letters from an unidentified person. The letters, containing black-and-white photos of happy children playing, remind Ji-hwan of his old two friends.
Five years earlier, while Ji-hwan is taking pictures with his camera, two girls, Soo-in (Son Ye-Jin) and Gyung-hee (Lee Eun-Ji), walk into the frame. Ji-hwan falls in love with Soo-in at first sight. He then musters up enough courage to confess his love to her, but she refuses him very politely. Even so, Ji-hwan doesn't give up and tells them that he wants to be friends the next time they meet. Ever since then, the three of them start a wonderful friendship. They spend time each other always, and consider it the most precious moments of their lives. But they become confused between love and friendship and, finally, Gyung-hee and Soo-in leave him without a trace.
The random letters inspire Ji-hwan to depart anxiously on a long journey to find his old friends, but while looking for Soo-in and Gyung-hee, he confronts a beautiful yet sad secret.
Stellar acting, gorgeously written script and deeply immersing love story. Tied with friendship, secret love and almost love, this is a little charmer that will fill you up with rose petals.
14) My Girl and I (2005)

A heartwarming story about true love and happiness. The film starts in modern day Korea where a guy return to his hometown after ten years to attend a reunion with his high school friends. In his return, he also remembered the sad story of his one great love. Special and will crawl in your emotions.
15) My Girlfriend is An Agent (2007)

Secret agent Ahn Su-Ji (Kim Ha-Neul) works undercover as a bride-to-be real estate agent. Her real life boyfriend Jae-Joon (Kang Ji-Hwan) is completely distraught over Su-Ji’s frequent absences and even harder to believe excuses. Jae-Joon then decides to leave her and for that matter the country of Korea itself. He calls Su-Ji one last time at the airport Incheon International Airport, but unfortunately Su-Ji is unable to answer his call because she is working undercover to bust an international crime organization.
Three years later, with Jae-jun long gone, but not forgotten Su-ji works on a Russian mafia case involving biological weapons. During her undercover work, Su-Ji poses as a janitor and runs into Jae-Joon while cleaning the men’s restroom. Su-Ji completely loses her composure and attacks Jae-jun for leaving her and apparently lying about his whereabouts.
Meanwhile, Jae-Joon has his own secrets. Jae-Joon is also a secret agent, but works in a different department from Su-ji. When Jae-Joon left Korea three years ago, he was actually assigned to track the very same Russian organization that Su-Ji is currently working to bust.
Now that the former lovers have met again they resume their romantic relationship, while trying to keep their real identity unknown to the other person. They also have to stop the Russian mob from gaining a weapon of mass destruction .
Kim Ha Neul always bring something new from her sleeves. Sexy, charming and enjoyable to glued at. And Kang Ji Hwan, you are so hot, we really need to talk sometime.
16) 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant

After dumping her boyfriend just before their 100 day anniversary, she meets a college guy when she accidentally kicks a can that hits him in the face and caused him to scratch his Lexus. He demands she pay him $3000 on the spot and writes up a “Enslavement Agreement” for her in order to pay for the damage to his car. She got into a nightmarish slave life for 100 days, cleaning his house, running his errands, doing his homework and cleaning his car.
Upbeat, enchanting and one of my favorites.
17) My Boyfriend is Type B

Wacthing this movie make you wondering about your blood type. Nice girl meets a temperamental guy. Go figure what it would be like. Girls always fall for bad guys and you’ll know why. Lively, witty and mesmerizing. You wonder why sweet girls fall for bad guys. Well because the harder their front act is, the sweeter they can love.
18) Humming (2008)

This is good for those who are in current a long-running relationship. The lead actor was quite tired of the relationship with her gf. He was about to leave for Alaska to avoid her, but she met an accident and fell into a coma. He starts remembering the relationship he had with her. Will he discover the love he has never realized? Passionate, a bit tear jerker with a twist that you may or may not like.
19) Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (2008)

An engaging, nostalgic and heart-tugging teen movie about a girl who fell in love with the guy who was first mean to him. They slowly began to fall in love, but a person from the girl’s past who is also connected to her boyfriend will force them to choose between love and friendship.
20) Windstruck (2004)

Ji-hyun Jun portrays the character Kyungjin, a police officer on her day off is forced back on duty when she is caught chasing down a bag-snatcher. The "bag-snatcher" turns out to be Myungwoo (Hyuk Jang, "Volcano High"), a passer-by who was trying to catch the actual criminal. With a twist of fate, the two are paired together after Myungwoo volunteers to be on patrol looking out for unruly students.
They said it was a sort of like the prequel to My Sassy Girl, but I say otherwise. Unconventional storyline, wondrous but will make you cry in the end.
21) My Tutor Friend Lesson II

Tells about a Japanese girl named Junko who falls in love with a student from Korea. In order to pursue his love then he followed college program in Korea. Since then, Junko lived in a rented house. Then met with Jong Man or Junk Man who is the son of the owner of the boardinghouse. Jong Man being forced by his father's teaching Korean language for Junko. This is where the story began between Junko and Junk Man. In the midst of searching her true love, Junko just find another man who turned out to be more loving.
I really liked how their relationship started from annoyance to be summed up in the love story of a cute and hilarious. I highly recommend this movie.
22) Hello School Girl (2006)

Yun-woo Kim works as a low level civil servant in a district office. Although he is thirty, he is still innocent for his age and has been on numerous unfruitful blind dates in search of a suitable wife. After moving to a new place, he runs runs into Soo-yong Han, a high school student who lives downstairs. Soo-young Han is a cheerful and eccentric eighteen-year-old who lives with her mother that acts like a princess.
Meanwhile, Sook Kang has just started to work at the district office straight after graduating from high school and falls head over heels for Ha-kyuing Kwon, a melancolic woman who always smokes in the same spot, becuase of her beautiful smile. Ha-kyung is still holding onto an old flame and keeps on looking for traces of that love every day. Sook Kang continues to keep wooing her, irregardless of her living in the past. Can their futures lead to a happy ending? Reminiscent of a May-December love affair.. extraordinarily sweet and arresting… plenty of love vibes and heart flutters…
23) Once Upon Time in High School (2001)

This movie is about a shy boy named Hyun Soo who transfers to an unruly boys school. When the incorrigible students aren’t fighting each other, they’re selling pornography, drinking at discos and extorting money from each other. It seems like the school is the training ground of future gangsters. The main character, Hyun Soo, is meek because of his violent father, but a series of events helps him come out of his shell.
One of the school’s kingpins is the ultra-cool bad boy Woo-Sik. Woo Sik is always kicking butts and no one messes with him. Woo-Sik takes Hyun Soo under his wing after Hyun Soo displays excellent skills on the basketball court. Despite their opposite personalities, the pair become good friends until a pretty and virtuous girl, Eun Joo, comes into the picture and inadvertently tears their relationship apart. Hyun Soo, who is painfully shy, harbors a secret crush on Eun-Joo, but it’s the aggresive Woo-Sik who wins her affection. Hyun Soo is inwardly devastated when he sees them together, so he decides to concentrate on mastering Jeet Kune Do, the martial art that Bruce Lee made famous.
24) My Little Bridge

An ordinary high school girl who worries about grades and has a crush on her school’s baseball team ace was forced to marry a guy out of her grandfather’s wish. Her being young and the hidden marriage made this movie so charming. Dandy, cheerful, playful… will let you remember that feel you have on the first person you ever had a crush.
25) Unstoppable Marriage

Sweet and easygoing girl who grew up in a normal middle-class household with a strict and traditional father met willful plastic surgeon who was born into a wealthy family, and has the ego to match his income. Their two worlds collide quite literally when they meet through a paragliding accident. It’s a classic case of opposites attract as they fight, falter, and fall in love, but their incompatible families are determined to break them apart. Fancy and Fun.
26)Baby and I (2008)

Jang Geun Suk played the role of a young High School student from a well-off family who loves to brawl and a typical mischief maker. His mischievous life will stop when he got a surprise basket of a baby with a note suggesting that he’s the father. There goes his young father adventure trying to give the best for his son.
27) She’s on Duty (2005)

Gong Yoo and Kim Sun Ah were secret agents who played a role of High Schoolers for their police mission. Perky, funny and not tiring to watch. Great chemistry between the lead actors.
28) The Naked Kitchen

I’m really a fan of ideas that are beyond the box, so that’s maybe why I like this movie. A dangerous love triangle filled with excitement, addictive attachment and somewhat bliss… gripping and worth your time..
29) Now and Forever(2006)

A rich young man who can easily lure girls with his hand fell in love for the first time with a cheerful but dying woman. Min-su, a playboy who believes that there's no such thing as true love and it's all just a game, can't stand even a single relationship that continues on for long. However, fate leads him to a dazzling beauty, Hye-won, who had just escaped from an oppressive hospital. She makes a strong impression on him. Later, chased by a nurse, Hye-won sneaks into the men's room at the hospital and their second encounter takes place. Soon Min-su becomes totally captivated by this bold woman. At first Hye-won resists their love, fearing that losing her to her terminal illness will hurt Min-su too much. Quite typical, at times romantic, sweet but not falling apart.
30)The Beast and the Beauty (2005)

Enticing and pleasing… with a lead actor you can’t help but be fond of. Story about a not so handsome guy created a different look of him to her blind girlfriend, when the girl was able to see again, he will struggle to fight for his true love for her.
31) Finding Mr. Destiny (2010)

A woman named Seo Ji-Woo (Lim Soo-Jung) traveled to India and met her first true love Kim Jong-Ok. Since that time Ji-Woo can't forget her first love. She then turns to the company "Finding Your First True Love Company" to help track down Kim Jong-Ok.
Han Gi-Joon (Gong Yoo) started "Finding Your First True Love Company" and he takes on Seo Ji-Woo as the company's first client. The pair travel all over Korea to find Seo Ji-Woo's first love and & in the process Han Gi-Joon finds himself falling in love with his first client
Very nice, worth your rest day if you are going to watch it.. gives that first-love-why-can’t-i-forget-you and maybe-it’s-time-to-move-on vibe… simple and captivating…”The first love doesn’t necessarily mean the first person.”
32) My Mighty Princess (2008)

KANG So-hwi, a beautiful martial arts prodigy, is about to embark on a journey into adulthood. But her journey is like no other. Her super-human strength and martial arts prowess scares away her fellow undergrads and even the boy she has fallen for. Devastated, So-hwi decides to give up martial arts and takes a different path. Her father, a martial artist himself, is afraid of losing an heiress to the family’s martial artistry, and missions So-hwi’s old buddy Ilyoung to persuade her to stay in the field. Meanwhile, the evil Heuk-bong provokes a war to conquer the martial arts world with the legendary Fine Blade he stole in the past, killing every swordsman one after another. So-hwi’s father comes to a showdown with Heuk-bong, but the battle leaves him fatally injured. On the brink of her father’s death, So-hwi picks up a sword again with a burning desire for revenge.
Fun, exciting and entertaining. A quirky martial-arts-with-supernatural-spike-love-story that will capture you in so many ways.
33) Innocent Steps (2005)

Former acclaimed dancer Na Young-sae (Park Keon-Hyeong) attempts to make a comeback. Young-sae then brings to Korea Jang Chae-rin (Moon Geun-Young), an ethnic Korean from China who he presumes is a highly talented dancer. To Young-sae's surprise he soon learns Chae-rin is an inexperienced dancer and her older sister is the talented dancer. With only three months until the Dance Championship, Young-sae attempts to turn Chae-rin into a world-class dancer .
34) Lovers Vanished (2010)

Soo-In (Kim Nam-Gil) was a talented cook who became falsely accused of killing his wife and then received a life sentence in prison. While in prisonSoo-In hears that prisoners infected with AIDS can leave prison. Soo-In then injects himself with the blood of HIV positive inmate Sang-Byun (Jeong Yun-Min). Sang-Byun does make the request that if by chance Soo-In is able to escape from prison to visit the café named Luth. Soo-In manages to escape from prison.
Out of prison, Soo-In confronts the priest who had an affair with his wife. The priest confesses to the murder, but then takes his own life. Soo-In, having now lost all hope to clear his name and nowhere to go, decides to visit the cafe Sang-Byun requested.
When Soo-In arrives at the beach side cafe named Luth, he meets the proprietor Mi-ya (Woo Seul Hye Hwang). Mi-ya is a beautiful women, a magician, and also bears heavy mental scars from her past. Mi-ya eventually hires Soo-In as a cook. The two become closer & soon love blossoms-ya.One day Soo-In tells Mi-ya it was Sang-Byun who sent him there and this shocks Mi-ya.
Some of movie review take from many sources such as:
1) A Moment to Remember (2005)

The first time i watch this movie when i am in senior high school. This movie give a deeply impression toward Korean movies from the very first time. The story about a couple striving to keep up their relationship against the struggle on the wife’s Alzheimer’s disease. the wife discovering her slow loss of memory increasing due to Alzheimer’s disease that she finally forgets everyone and everything. A love story of a devoted husband who stayed with her wife even when she was slowly forgetting that he happened in her life. Poignant, deeply moving, and I cried buckets of tears especially in scene of their family wants give back her memory in mini-market, but she does not sure who they are. I really captivating on that scene. ;)
2) My Sassy Girl (2001)

The movie, ‘My Sassy Girl’ is one of the most popular Korean movie which has also been made into an Hollywood movie (with same title). This movie also has a Bollywood version known as ‘Ugly Aur Pagli.’ It is probably a romantic comedy with some happy and sad moments flashing in the movie between. This movie’s soundtrack in Korean, ‘I Believe’ is a beautiful one which is quite popular. It is based on the true story told in a series of love letters written by Kim Ho-sik, a man who initially posted them on the Internet and later adapted them into a novel.
If you haven’t watch this, then you haven’t watch a really good romance movie. Needless to say, this is one of my favorite movies. Captivating, vibrant and worth watching. A perfect date movie. A girl who has some past love issues was saved by a cheerful young man when she almost get caught by a train. Fate played with them and the boy slowly became fond of her and decided that he would heal whatever that pain she has.
3) Il Mare (2000)

Sung-hyun, who just moved into ' Il mare ' receives a strange letter. The letter is from a young woman in the year 1999, two years from the present. Her predictions about the past are amazingly accurate. Her warning about a flurry of snow on a certain day in January of 1998 and the ensuing flu virus turns out to be true.
Eun-Joo is convinced that her letter has traveled back in time to December of 1997 and starts writing regularly to her newfound pen pal. A professional voice actor, Eun-joo asks Sung-Hyun to find her long lost cassette recorder at a train station. Sung-Hyun goes to the train station and gets a glimpse of Eun-Joo, who of course, has no idea who he is.
After he receives his father's last book from the future Sung-hyun belatedly realizes his father's love for him. He confesses his selfishness at his father's grave. Eun-Joo's old flame returns from the United States. But he's found himself a new love and is planning to marry her. Heartbroken, her only hope is that Sung-Hyun will stop her from letting Ji-hoon go in the first place. Faced with the prospect of losing Eun-joo whom he's grown to love, Sung-Hyun decides to make the ultimate sacrifice by stopping her from sending her boyfriend away.
Eun-Joo visits Sung-Hyun's school and is shocked to find out he died two years ago in a car crash. She realizes too late that she is in love with him too. He died on his way to stop Eun-Joo from letting her boyfriend leave to the U.S. Eun-Joo races against time to Il mare to warn Sung-Hyun.
Hollywood made a remake of this movie (The Lake house) even i watch Hollywood version first but still I prefer how Koreans did it. A man and a woman engaged in a romance as they exchange love letters and leaving it inside a mail box. Time element executed perfectly. Addictive love story. Deeply touching and moving.
4) Closer To Heaven (2009)

"Closer to Heaven" tells the love story between Jong-Woo (Kim Myung-Min) and Ji-Soo (Ha Ji-Won). Although Jong-Woo suffers from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease), he is still a bright and cheerful person. Ji-Soo works as a co-ordinator in a funeral home. She deals with death everyday and doesn't think twice about Jong-woo's disease. The couple then falls in love.
5) Daisy (2006)

This movies set in Netherlands, Ji Hyun played the role of a street painter that will become the love interest of a secret service agent and a professional hitman… Thrilling, lingering, and romantic elements were put in splendidly…the Amazing things about this movies is the perfect visual effect.
6) The Classic (2003)

A lovely love story. The film is about the love story of two generations between the mother and daughter. A young woman accidentally bumped on her mother’s love story and she got deeply engaged with it. The parallelism was well portrayed and so much love in the air. I really liked the ending of this movie. Very nice, enthralling, amazingly unsurpassed romance. I can’t find words to dislike this movie. So just watch it. ;)
7) Daddy Long Legs (2005)

Ha Ji Won played a role of radio scriptwriter who was always dreaming of meeting the guy who helped her pay her tuition in college. She accidentally bumped into emails that tells about a girl’s long time admiration over a guy. She finally had a chance to meet her daddy-long-legs and there she learned that it was his younger brother who asked him to do all the things for her. She also learned that it was her daddy-long -legs who wrote those emails, however he switched his gender when he was writing the emails. Daddy-long-legs lost all his memories including that of the girl’s because he was dying and he asked his brother to make the girl happy once he lost his memory. You’ll never get tired of watching it. Amazingly sweet and mesmerizing.
8) Millioner’s First Love (2006)

A guy (Hyun Bin) was a millionaire’s heir but in order for him to have his fortune, his dead granny forced him to finish High School in the province. There he discovered the past that he erased in his mind, and the truth that money can’t save the life of the girl he loves. Passionate and bewitching.
9) Sad Movie (2005)

As the title of movie, it is a Sad Movie rather than romantic movie. This movie focuses of four different relationship and the sadness, sorrows, pain and tears of each relationship. It is about a relationship of two lovers, two fiancés, a mother and a son and two unknown strangers who all are inter connected to each other. Well, at the end, all of their relationship has a sad ending. The plot lines eventually connect in some way, but they remain unrelated for the most part.
The first story tells of a firefighter and his girlfriend named Su-jeong who works in a TV station as a news translator for the mute. She's waiting for him to propose, focused on the rationale that given his dangerous job, she likes the idea of him having to think of her, to hesitate for a while before jumping into danger. He, on the other hand, is waiting for that perfect opportunity, setting and all, before popping the question.
The second story is about a deaf girl who works as a costume character in a theme park. There she meets a young artist who she begins to develop feelings for quickly; yet refuses to take off her mask in front of him for quite some time. There is scene when it was adapted into music video of “Seoul” tourism promotion by Super junior and SNSD.
The third story is of a mother and child. The mother was too busy to spend time with her young son, until an illness confines her to a hospital bed. There the mother and son begin to communicate more and more.
Lastly, the story of a boy and girl who have just broken up. The girl's reason being that she needs a more stable guy with a good job. The unemployed ex-boyfriend goes off and finds himself a job helping other couples break up. Hoping that if he earns enough money, he could woo his loved one back.
10) Heartbreak Library (2008)

I feel like this movie made special for me ;) That was because my favorite place is library but i recognize that this movies have fresh ideas about love story. Not really a romance movie for the lead actors. More of feeling the pain of someone who lost his love. A different kind of love story you should not fail to check out. Strikingly fresh and very charming. You wonder why sweet girls fall for bad guys. Well because the harder their front act is, the sweeter they can love.
11) Heaven’s Postman (2009)

A messenger that has the ability to travel between the present and the afterworld. Shin Jae Joon was involved in an accident that put him in a coma. Now, his spirit has the ability to travel back and forth to the afterworld and the real world. He meets Jo Ha Na as she is trying to send her boyfriend a letter. Ha Na, however, is the only person who can see Jae Joon.
Jae-jun (K-pop band TVXQ member Hero) delivers letters to heaven from those who can't get over the loss of their loved ones.One day Ha-na (Han Hyo-joo), who writes to her late boyfriend, discovers Jae-jun's secret identity. He offers her a part-time job assisting him, and they set off on a 14-day journey .
12) Madeleine (2003)

Ji-suk is a Korean Language & Literature major who dreams of becoming a writer. He starts delivering newspapers part-time. He goes to a hair salon to cut his long hair. A charming woman calls him by name. She is none other than Hee-jin, his junior high classmate. Dreaming of becoming a hair designer, Hee-jin is a senior hair designer at the salon despite her young age. Ji-suk is drawn to the dignified beauty. Hee-jin is also drawn to the untainted pureness of Ji-suk. Their paths cross by chance a few more times and the two grow closer. Finally, Hee-jin suggests a 'one month romance.' "Neither one of us can say 'Let's break up' before the month is up! After a month, we part ways grandly! What do you think? Fun, huh?" Ji-suk is caught off guard. Seeing this, Hee-jin smiles at him sweetly.
Ji-suk who ponders over everything seriously. Hee-jin who is filled with playfulness and is cheerful. They have 0% in common but together, they learn of a new world unfamiliar to them. Their romance is more splendid than they expected. But one day, Ji-suk's first love, Sung-hae, shows up. Majoring in film, Sung-hae is the lead singer of a band and very cool. Hee-jin gets jealous over Sung-hae and starts to fight with Ji-suk. It is the first time they argue since their month of romance began. And to make things worse, Hee-jin is faced with an enormous decision.
This movie is very realistic, strangely touching. The couple played their character so well. My favorite Shin Min Ah’s project. Emotion filled and absorbing.
13) Lover's Concerto

One day, Ji-hwan (Cha Tae-Hyun) begins to receive letters from an unidentified person. The letters, containing black-and-white photos of happy children playing, remind Ji-hwan of his old two friends.
Five years earlier, while Ji-hwan is taking pictures with his camera, two girls, Soo-in (Son Ye-Jin) and Gyung-hee (Lee Eun-Ji), walk into the frame. Ji-hwan falls in love with Soo-in at first sight. He then musters up enough courage to confess his love to her, but she refuses him very politely. Even so, Ji-hwan doesn't give up and tells them that he wants to be friends the next time they meet. Ever since then, the three of them start a wonderful friendship. They spend time each other always, and consider it the most precious moments of their lives. But they become confused between love and friendship and, finally, Gyung-hee and Soo-in leave him without a trace.
The random letters inspire Ji-hwan to depart anxiously on a long journey to find his old friends, but while looking for Soo-in and Gyung-hee, he confronts a beautiful yet sad secret.
Stellar acting, gorgeously written script and deeply immersing love story. Tied with friendship, secret love and almost love, this is a little charmer that will fill you up with rose petals.
14) My Girl and I (2005)

A heartwarming story about true love and happiness. The film starts in modern day Korea where a guy return to his hometown after ten years to attend a reunion with his high school friends. In his return, he also remembered the sad story of his one great love. Special and will crawl in your emotions.
15) My Girlfriend is An Agent (2007)

Secret agent Ahn Su-Ji (Kim Ha-Neul) works undercover as a bride-to-be real estate agent. Her real life boyfriend Jae-Joon (Kang Ji-Hwan) is completely distraught over Su-Ji’s frequent absences and even harder to believe excuses. Jae-Joon then decides to leave her and for that matter the country of Korea itself. He calls Su-Ji one last time at the airport Incheon International Airport, but unfortunately Su-Ji is unable to answer his call because she is working undercover to bust an international crime organization.
Three years later, with Jae-jun long gone, but not forgotten Su-ji works on a Russian mafia case involving biological weapons. During her undercover work, Su-Ji poses as a janitor and runs into Jae-Joon while cleaning the men’s restroom. Su-Ji completely loses her composure and attacks Jae-jun for leaving her and apparently lying about his whereabouts.
Meanwhile, Jae-Joon has his own secrets. Jae-Joon is also a secret agent, but works in a different department from Su-ji. When Jae-Joon left Korea three years ago, he was actually assigned to track the very same Russian organization that Su-Ji is currently working to bust.
Now that the former lovers have met again they resume their romantic relationship, while trying to keep their real identity unknown to the other person. They also have to stop the Russian mob from gaining a weapon of mass destruction .
Kim Ha Neul always bring something new from her sleeves. Sexy, charming and enjoyable to glued at. And Kang Ji Hwan, you are so hot, we really need to talk sometime.
16) 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant

After dumping her boyfriend just before their 100 day anniversary, she meets a college guy when she accidentally kicks a can that hits him in the face and caused him to scratch his Lexus. He demands she pay him $3000 on the spot and writes up a “Enslavement Agreement” for her in order to pay for the damage to his car. She got into a nightmarish slave life for 100 days, cleaning his house, running his errands, doing his homework and cleaning his car.
Upbeat, enchanting and one of my favorites.
17) My Boyfriend is Type B

Wacthing this movie make you wondering about your blood type. Nice girl meets a temperamental guy. Go figure what it would be like. Girls always fall for bad guys and you’ll know why. Lively, witty and mesmerizing. You wonder why sweet girls fall for bad guys. Well because the harder their front act is, the sweeter they can love.
18) Humming (2008)

This is good for those who are in current a long-running relationship. The lead actor was quite tired of the relationship with her gf. He was about to leave for Alaska to avoid her, but she met an accident and fell into a coma. He starts remembering the relationship he had with her. Will he discover the love he has never realized? Passionate, a bit tear jerker with a twist that you may or may not like.
19) Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (2008)

An engaging, nostalgic and heart-tugging teen movie about a girl who fell in love with the guy who was first mean to him. They slowly began to fall in love, but a person from the girl’s past who is also connected to her boyfriend will force them to choose between love and friendship.
20) Windstruck (2004)

Ji-hyun Jun portrays the character Kyungjin, a police officer on her day off is forced back on duty when she is caught chasing down a bag-snatcher. The "bag-snatcher" turns out to be Myungwoo (Hyuk Jang, "Volcano High"), a passer-by who was trying to catch the actual criminal. With a twist of fate, the two are paired together after Myungwoo volunteers to be on patrol looking out for unruly students.
They said it was a sort of like the prequel to My Sassy Girl, but I say otherwise. Unconventional storyline, wondrous but will make you cry in the end.
21) My Tutor Friend Lesson II

Tells about a Japanese girl named Junko who falls in love with a student from Korea. In order to pursue his love then he followed college program in Korea. Since then, Junko lived in a rented house. Then met with Jong Man or Junk Man who is the son of the owner of the boardinghouse. Jong Man being forced by his father's teaching Korean language for Junko. This is where the story began between Junko and Junk Man. In the midst of searching her true love, Junko just find another man who turned out to be more loving.
I really liked how their relationship started from annoyance to be summed up in the love story of a cute and hilarious. I highly recommend this movie.
22) Hello School Girl (2006)

Yun-woo Kim works as a low level civil servant in a district office. Although he is thirty, he is still innocent for his age and has been on numerous unfruitful blind dates in search of a suitable wife. After moving to a new place, he runs runs into Soo-yong Han, a high school student who lives downstairs. Soo-young Han is a cheerful and eccentric eighteen-year-old who lives with her mother that acts like a princess.
Meanwhile, Sook Kang has just started to work at the district office straight after graduating from high school and falls head over heels for Ha-kyuing Kwon, a melancolic woman who always smokes in the same spot, becuase of her beautiful smile. Ha-kyung is still holding onto an old flame and keeps on looking for traces of that love every day. Sook Kang continues to keep wooing her, irregardless of her living in the past. Can their futures lead to a happy ending? Reminiscent of a May-December love affair.. extraordinarily sweet and arresting… plenty of love vibes and heart flutters…
23) Once Upon Time in High School (2001)

This movie is about a shy boy named Hyun Soo who transfers to an unruly boys school. When the incorrigible students aren’t fighting each other, they’re selling pornography, drinking at discos and extorting money from each other. It seems like the school is the training ground of future gangsters. The main character, Hyun Soo, is meek because of his violent father, but a series of events helps him come out of his shell.
One of the school’s kingpins is the ultra-cool bad boy Woo-Sik. Woo Sik is always kicking butts and no one messes with him. Woo-Sik takes Hyun Soo under his wing after Hyun Soo displays excellent skills on the basketball court. Despite their opposite personalities, the pair become good friends until a pretty and virtuous girl, Eun Joo, comes into the picture and inadvertently tears their relationship apart. Hyun Soo, who is painfully shy, harbors a secret crush on Eun-Joo, but it’s the aggresive Woo-Sik who wins her affection. Hyun Soo is inwardly devastated when he sees them together, so he decides to concentrate on mastering Jeet Kune Do, the martial art that Bruce Lee made famous.
24) My Little Bridge

An ordinary high school girl who worries about grades and has a crush on her school’s baseball team ace was forced to marry a guy out of her grandfather’s wish. Her being young and the hidden marriage made this movie so charming. Dandy, cheerful, playful… will let you remember that feel you have on the first person you ever had a crush.
25) Unstoppable Marriage

Sweet and easygoing girl who grew up in a normal middle-class household with a strict and traditional father met willful plastic surgeon who was born into a wealthy family, and has the ego to match his income. Their two worlds collide quite literally when they meet through a paragliding accident. It’s a classic case of opposites attract as they fight, falter, and fall in love, but their incompatible families are determined to break them apart. Fancy and Fun.
26)Baby and I (2008)

Jang Geun Suk played the role of a young High School student from a well-off family who loves to brawl and a typical mischief maker. His mischievous life will stop when he got a surprise basket of a baby with a note suggesting that he’s the father. There goes his young father adventure trying to give the best for his son.
27) She’s on Duty (2005)

Gong Yoo and Kim Sun Ah were secret agents who played a role of High Schoolers for their police mission. Perky, funny and not tiring to watch. Great chemistry between the lead actors.
28) The Naked Kitchen

I’m really a fan of ideas that are beyond the box, so that’s maybe why I like this movie. A dangerous love triangle filled with excitement, addictive attachment and somewhat bliss… gripping and worth your time..
29) Now and Forever(2006)

A rich young man who can easily lure girls with his hand fell in love for the first time with a cheerful but dying woman. Min-su, a playboy who believes that there's no such thing as true love and it's all just a game, can't stand even a single relationship that continues on for long. However, fate leads him to a dazzling beauty, Hye-won, who had just escaped from an oppressive hospital. She makes a strong impression on him. Later, chased by a nurse, Hye-won sneaks into the men's room at the hospital and their second encounter takes place. Soon Min-su becomes totally captivated by this bold woman. At first Hye-won resists their love, fearing that losing her to her terminal illness will hurt Min-su too much. Quite typical, at times romantic, sweet but not falling apart.
30)The Beast and the Beauty (2005)

Enticing and pleasing… with a lead actor you can’t help but be fond of. Story about a not so handsome guy created a different look of him to her blind girlfriend, when the girl was able to see again, he will struggle to fight for his true love for her.
31) Finding Mr. Destiny (2010)

A woman named Seo Ji-Woo (Lim Soo-Jung) traveled to India and met her first true love Kim Jong-Ok. Since that time Ji-Woo can't forget her first love. She then turns to the company "Finding Your First True Love Company" to help track down Kim Jong-Ok.
Han Gi-Joon (Gong Yoo) started "Finding Your First True Love Company" and he takes on Seo Ji-Woo as the company's first client. The pair travel all over Korea to find Seo Ji-Woo's first love and & in the process Han Gi-Joon finds himself falling in love with his first client
Very nice, worth your rest day if you are going to watch it.. gives that first-love-why-can’t-i-forget-you and maybe-it’s-time-to-move-on vibe… simple and captivating…”The first love doesn’t necessarily mean the first person.”
32) My Mighty Princess (2008)

KANG So-hwi, a beautiful martial arts prodigy, is about to embark on a journey into adulthood. But her journey is like no other. Her super-human strength and martial arts prowess scares away her fellow undergrads and even the boy she has fallen for. Devastated, So-hwi decides to give up martial arts and takes a different path. Her father, a martial artist himself, is afraid of losing an heiress to the family’s martial artistry, and missions So-hwi’s old buddy Ilyoung to persuade her to stay in the field. Meanwhile, the evil Heuk-bong provokes a war to conquer the martial arts world with the legendary Fine Blade he stole in the past, killing every swordsman one after another. So-hwi’s father comes to a showdown with Heuk-bong, but the battle leaves him fatally injured. On the brink of her father’s death, So-hwi picks up a sword again with a burning desire for revenge.
Fun, exciting and entertaining. A quirky martial-arts-with-supernatural-spike-love-story that will capture you in so many ways.
33) Innocent Steps (2005)

Former acclaimed dancer Na Young-sae (Park Keon-Hyeong) attempts to make a comeback. Young-sae then brings to Korea Jang Chae-rin (Moon Geun-Young), an ethnic Korean from China who he presumes is a highly talented dancer. To Young-sae's surprise he soon learns Chae-rin is an inexperienced dancer and her older sister is the talented dancer. With only three months until the Dance Championship, Young-sae attempts to turn Chae-rin into a world-class dancer .
34) Lovers Vanished (2010)

Soo-In (Kim Nam-Gil) was a talented cook who became falsely accused of killing his wife and then received a life sentence in prison. While in prisonSoo-In hears that prisoners infected with AIDS can leave prison. Soo-In then injects himself with the blood of HIV positive inmate Sang-Byun (Jeong Yun-Min). Sang-Byun does make the request that if by chance Soo-In is able to escape from prison to visit the café named Luth. Soo-In manages to escape from prison.
Out of prison, Soo-In confronts the priest who had an affair with his wife. The priest confesses to the murder, but then takes his own life. Soo-In, having now lost all hope to clear his name and nowhere to go, decides to visit the cafe Sang-Byun requested.
When Soo-In arrives at the beach side cafe named Luth, he meets the proprietor Mi-ya (Woo Seul Hye Hwang). Mi-ya is a beautiful women, a magician, and also bears heavy mental scars from her past. Mi-ya eventually hires Soo-In as a cook. The two become closer & soon love blossoms-ya.One day Soo-In tells Mi-ya it was Sang-Byun who sent him there and this shocks Mi-ya.
Some of movie review take from many sources such as:
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