Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Membaca Curahan Hati

Terkadang apa yang tersimpan di dalam hati, hanya mampu terungkap melalui kata-kata. Mungkin ada banyak cerita yang seharuskan aku katakan, semua itu tersendat dalam liang kerongkonganku dan tertelan dengan pahitnya kenyataan.

Yogyakarta, December 2012

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Membaca Ng-amplaz

Ini postingan sih sebenernya bukan niat nge-posting edisi Natal, cuma aja moment-nya tepat (pas maen ke amplaz ketemu temen lama-pas ada objek unyu2 edisi natal) :D Jadi tujuan utamanya: Temu kangen ama Mega temen pas di Tsanawiyah, entah udah bertahun-tahun gak pernah ketemu, paling terakhir ketemu pas perpisahan akhir tahun ke-enam. Duh tahun 2008, tua! (>.<)
pas ngobrol-ngobrol di Taman Sari Foodcourt :D 

dan tetep foto-foto~ 

Mega ini ternyata pernah juga keliling Eropa selama tiga minggu, tujuan utamanya buat summer course di Belanda tepatnya Groningen. Semoga someday juga bisa kayak Mega, bisa jalan-jalan ke Eropa sekaligus belajar :) eh kebalik ya, belajar di Eropa sekaligus jalan-jalan, yang diinget jalan-jalannya mulu siy! (^,^)
Amiin ya Allah~

mega, santa, and I-sempet-sempetnya foto beginian :D 

foto-fotonya fokus dan maksimal ama objek yang ada XD

 di amplaz :)

with deer~

Dan yang lucu lagi malah jadi ikutan kenalan ama temen-temen SMA Mega pas di Bandung, and they're really nice people :) truz ikutan nemenin makan malem bareng di Warung SS, di Babarsari.

ama temen-temennya Mega: Nunik and Ajeng (semoga namanya gak salah :P)

dan teteup narsis XD

Have nice trip ya meg, moga kagak bosen maen ke Jogja, yang joyo ini :D
Dan buat yang merayakan Hari Natal, selamat hari raya...


Yogyakarta, December 2012

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Reading Law Student's Life :)

In this last month, I found myself having a conversation with some friends regarding our shock over the fact that we are now start third year of our law school experience.

This milestone caused all of us to reflect on our time at Faculty of Law in UGM and there seemed to be one thing in particular that was at the forefront of our minds: law school experiences. It might seem as though not that much could change in a year, but there were many marked shifts that all of us had picked up on, and more busy in many activities. In first year, I think the intense fear and confusion as to how to approach law school exams probably led a lot of the class to get bogged down in a lot of irrelevant details when reading. By second year, you develop the ability to become more intuitive about the facts that are going to actually be worth knowing. I have often heard people comment that second year is harder than first year then third is harder than second.

From an academic perspective, this is probably true. The first year are long gone and it is sometimes only when you are a day into studying for an exam that you really start to get a picture of how the cases of a course tie together. However, I don’t think that this year is harder on the whole. Yes, the volume of reading is greater, but you can get through it faster. Yes, the courses are harder in terms of the law being more challenging, but they are courses that you have chosen and thus are more likely to be interesting to you.

The main difference that I would like to explore here is the way that you learn. I still remember sitting down with my first case on PLKH is Tort (Deed of tort/Perbuatan Melawan Hukum) and not knowing where to begin. But from this kind of studying method, I was actually learn a lot rather than when I am just sitting in the class.

December instilled a small amount of confidence that we could at least make it through a law exam without fainting, but I think for most of us, we saw what changes we had made worked, and those that didn't  This was so important because it enabled us to start to truly figure out what professors look for when we are writing an exam, and in turn this greatly influenced the approach to studying.

So, i am looking forward for the next session, focusing study on international law. 

All of this, are my pics gallery when studying Law on practice, so much fun since I was so lucky for having nice friends and good team, thank you for all of  PLKH team F2 \(^.^)/

~cheers :)

Yogyakarta, December 2012

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Membaca Puisi: Hujan di Bulan Juni (Desember-ku)

tak ada yang lebih tabah 
dari hujan bulan Juni 
dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya 
kepada pohon berbunga itu 

tak ada yang lebih bijak 
dari hujan bulan Juni 
dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya 
yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu 

tak ada yang lebih arif 
dari hujan bulan Juni 
dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan 
diserap akar pohon bunga itu 

(Sapardi Djoko Damono - 1989)

catatan pinggir-ku:
pak sapardi, bolehkah saya ganti bulan Juni menjadi bulan Desember? mohon izin ya pak?

Yogyakarta, hujanku di bulan Desember 2012

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Membaca: Welcome December!

Allahumma yassir wala tu’assir robbi tammim bi’khair...
O Allah, make it easy, and do not make it difficult. O Allah, make it end well...

Memulai bulan desember dengan semangat baru, 
semoga sukses ujian pendadaran, 
semoga sukses peradilan semu PLKH Hukum Perdata, 
semoga sukses interview, 
semoga ibu lebih sehat, 
semoga semua baik-baik saja.
all is well :)

Yogyakarta, awal bulan Desember.